Comma Separated Values (CSV)

What is a CSV file?

CSV is plain text file that’s used to import data and allows data to be saved in a structured table format. With CSV, data can be imported from one software application to another. It stands for comma separated values, which simply means that each piece of data is separated by commas. For example, these lines are structured as you would find within a csv file:

John, Doe, 32

Jane, Doe, 27

Jürgen, Klopp, 56

Sometimes, quotation marks will be used to enclose data that contains special characters, to ensure the information is portrayed correctly. For example:

Brian, “O’Brian”, 44

Why Use a CSV File in recruitment?

CSV files are typically used in recruitment because they are a simply and versatile file format that is typically compatible with various software, including the Eclipse recruitment software. There are a few reasons why you’d use comma separated values within recruitment.

Data Import

Data importing in recruitment is a key part of the job. CSV files allow for the recruiter to import data, job listings, and other information from external sources. Due to the fact CSV is a standardised format and shows information in the same sequence, it makes it easy to import CSV files into recruitment software from spreadsheet programs or other database programs.

Bulk Edit

Recruiters may find it necessary to edit and update large amounts of data at one time, such as status of candidates, changing job details, or assigning roles to candidates. A CSV file allows these modifications to be done quickly and efficiently by exporting data into a CSV file, make the changes in a spreadsheet program and then re-uploading the data into the recruitment software.

Increased Integration

A key part of recruitment software is that it can integrate with external systems, such as job boards, payroll systems, etc. CSV files are a common format for transferring data from one system to another as the standard format allows the systems to read CSV files. The files and recruitment software work hand in hand to enable seamless integration and data synchronisation.

Reporting & Analysis

Analytics in recruitment are key for ensuring that your agency is making data driven decisions that help improve its overall success. The csv format allows for a standardised format for a recruitment agency to export and manage data into spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Utilising a csv file, allows for recruiters to optimise their strategies and through custom reports, and conduct in depth analysis on their activities over a period of time.