Top 8 things to automate in your recruitment agency

Top things to automate in your recruitment agency with eclipse recruitment software

How can recruitment automation software streamline the recruitment process

In recruitment, you don’t want your agents to get bogged down with repetitive tasks and stuck in a never-ending loop of data entry and administrative burdens. The recruitment world is about building relationships, and admin isn’t just unproductive, it costs you valuable connections with qualified candidates and hinders your bottom line.

That is why people have been turning to AI or automated recruitment software, not to replace human interaction, but to help ease the burden of repetitive admin tasks. Including automation in your recruitment strategy can help empower you and your agents to build deeper, more meaningful connections by freeing you from the mundane.

Think about it like this, for every automated task, every form filled automatically, every email scheduled, every status change, it is one less task between your agent and that star candidate. Suddenly, there is more time for what truly matters: engaging conversations with potential candidates, personalised outreach, more strategic tasks and building lasting relationships.

Imagine saving even one hour per day on administrative tasks through using a recruitment automation system. Multiply that hour across your team, and that’s thousands of hours reclaimed – hours that can be invested back into strategic conversations and generating revenue.

Put repetitive tasks on autopilot with automation recruitment software. The benefits are clear:

  • More time for meaningful connections with the best candidates and clients, fostering valuable relationships.

  • Increased efficiency with less time on manual data entry and more focus on strategic initiatives.

  • Improved accuracy with automation, ensuring data integrity and consistency to ensure you to make informed decisions.

  • Boosted morale by freeing your team from the repetitive elements of the recruitment process and seeing their engagement soar.

With Eclipse Core Pro Recruitment Software, automation is built into the hiring process, offering you the best recruitment automation software has to offer at no extra cost. Finding ways to improve the ways you handle candidate management is key to improving candidate engagement.

If recruitment automation software is something you are interested in, get in touch for a demo

Here are just some of the recruitment automation tools our recruitment software can do for your agency:

1. Managing Candidate Onboarding

Eclipse CRM software allows the creation of workflows triggered by record creation. Our Eclipse Core Pro Recruitment Software automates tasks based on your needs. Your recruitment software could automatically send an email or create a task for your compliance team or managers. With Eclipse this works for all your records, like clients, jobs, and more. 

2. Compliance checks

Streamline your recruitment process and free up valuable time when candidate sourcing with automated compliance checks. Our Eclipse Core Pro Recruitment Software ensures you can quickly verify and pre screen candidates, keeping your talent pool up-to-date, compliant with regulations and enabling you to automatically complete an initial candidate screening

3. Timesheet confirmation

Eclipse Core Pro recruitment solution simplifies timesheet management. You can automate workflows to ensure accuracy and timely submissions. This means less manual work and smoother communication between candidates, managers, and payroll. Request more information on our recruitment software and our timesheet capabilities.

4. Warning override

Eclipse automated recruiting software allows for recruiter to override rule warnings for different tasks, but don’t worry you’re notified. There are many automations you can configure for this, minimum margins for instance.

5. Scheduled Search Workflow

Our recruitment software offers smart automation features to streamline your workflows and hiring journeys. This includes automatic alerts for jobs ads to top talent and job descriptions to candidate profiles, reducing the time to hire and making your recruitment processes more efficient. Request a demo to find out more about our workflows

6. Contact Log Workflow

Automated recruiting software allows specific ‘Contact Logs’ triggers that automate actions, like ‘Tried to call you’ emails or reminder tasks for follow-up. Eclipse Core Pro Recruitment Software helps you stay organised and manage communication efficiently.

7. Placement / Shift Booking Confirmations

Our recruitment software keeps everyone informed with automated messages. This means job applicants, clients, and your team automatically receive updates when key stages are reached in the recruitment process. Get confirmations on placements or processed timesheets. If you want to save time and ensure everyone’s on the same page, find out more information about our software.

8. Automated Invoicing and credit control

Eclipse recruitment automation software streamlines invoicing with automated features. Set client preferences for delivery, format, and timing, and the system handles the rest, saving you time and ensuring smooth transactions.

Automation isn’t a replacement for human connection; it’s your key to unlocking it. If you could benefit from these automations, and we know you can, request a demo.